Here are the six smaller shades in various degrees of completion. Everything is prepped- wood, ribs, weight bars, and Rollease clutches- now to just finish the sewing, mount, and string.
Some workrooms love multiples, others hate them. I guess I like the fact that you can move an order along more quickly when you're making a lot out of the same fabric, but I hate the boredom that sets in after one or two are done and you still have six or seven to go. Sometimes the boredom slows me down, like now, when I sit down at the computer.
This second picture is from last week's multiple order- 8 identical flat Roman shades with blackout lining and ribs. I ironed the fusible rib tape to the inside of the lining, 4 at a time, using a long straightedge as a guide.
No, I didn't take a picture of the final product- I had misplaced my camera. I'll be at this house next week for a second wave of products, and I'll take pictures then, I hope!
Are you using the Rowley encased lift cord as your spacing tape for hobbled shades? Do you pre-shrink the encased lift cord so the spacing doesn't change? I have a sample "non-compliant" flat backed hobbled shade made with Kwik Affix thread thru lining and was going to re-make it with the encased lift cord.....good idea?